Oyasumi Hologram – Neuromancer Call Guide

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BUQYUCYvqxA Credit to 手汗太郎 for the original video: https://youtu.be/OAQ_fDSwenA Aside from the calls and brief furicopy part I point out in the video, you'll notice people are pretty much doing their own thing. Feel free to copy the members' moves, dance, or generally enjoy the song in your own way (as long as you're not … Continue reading Oyasumi Hologram – Neuromancer Call Guide

East Meets West Call Guide

Want to learn the calls for some of the major songs before East Meets West? Look no further! I know what you're thinking - isn't this kind of late? Yes, it is and I'm sorry, but I hope it'll still be able to help someone enjoy the performance the most they possibly can and make … Continue reading East Meets West Call Guide

Yanakoto Sotto Mute – Lily Call Guide

https://youtu.be/ovk9blFEVH0 Want to learn the calls for Yanakoto Sotto Mute and NECRONOMIDOL's songs before East Meets West (or in general)? First up is Yanakoto Sotto Mute's Lily! I'll be releasing at least one more for Yanamute and a couple for NECRONOMIDOL leading up to the festival. Credit to Eden alley for the original video: https://youtu.be/bkI828pfwvsContinue reading Yanakoto Sotto Mute – Lily Call Guide